Hello, welcome to my website. My name is Tomas Hanecka. I am currently attending high school in Prague, where I study tourism. I have been interested in programming since 7th grade. I was interested in creating websites and working on various projects in a digital environment.

When I'm not working on the website, I'm working on a motorcycle that we are refurbishing.


I've also started working extensively on iOS app development.

I would like to share my dream and goal for the future - and that is to get to Canada, where I have a small but part of my family. This is because of my passion for traveling and my desire to learn about different cultures, people, foods and ways of life. Canada is a fascinating country for me with a rich history and beautiful nature. I want to be able to explore its different regions and gain a deeper understanding of what makes Canada so unique.

I also believe I can combine my interest in technology and programming with the tourism industry. The modern travel industry embraces the digital environment and modern technologies such as travel apps, online booking and marketing tools. My goal is to contribute to this connection and create innovative solutions in the travel industry that could help me achieve my dream of living in Canada and experiencing all that this amazing country has to offer.
